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Understanding the Significance of HbA1C in Diabetes Diagnosis and Reversal Monitoring

Understanding the Significance of HbA1C in Diabetes Diagnosis, Reversal Monitoring, and Timing of Testing Introduction: In the global battle against diabetes, effective diagnostic tools and monitoring strategies play a pivotal role. Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) has emerged as a crucial parameter in this fight, serving not only as a diagnostic tool for diabetes but also as a vital marker in monitoring the reversal of the condition. Understanding the importance of HbA1C in both diagnosis and reversal is essential for managing diabetes effectively and improving patient outcomes. What is HbA1C? HbA1C is a form of hemoglobin that is bound to glucose. It is formed through a non-enzymatic process known as glycation, where glucose molecules attach to hemoglobin in the blood. The level of HbA1C reflects the average blood glucose concentration over the past two to three months, providing a valuable indicator of long-term glycemic control. Diagnostic Role of HbA1C: Traditionally, the diagno

Revolutionizing Elderly Hypertension Care: A Deep Dive into the Blood Pressure Management Program (BPMP) Study


Revolutionizing Elderly Hypertension Care: A Deep Dive into the Blood Pressure Management Program (BPMP) Study

- Dr Rohit Sane


Managing hypertension in the elderly is a complex medical challenge. Our study at Madhavbaug Cardiac Care Clinics and Hospitals explores the Blood Pressure Management Program (BPMP) as an innovative approach to address this issue.

The Need for Blood Pressure Management Program (BPMP)

In India, hypertension is a major concern, particularly among the elderly. Recent data suggests that a significant portion of the adult population suffers from hypertension, with a higher prevalence in those aged 60 and above. Traditional treatment methods, while effective, often lead to side effects and an increased risk of polypharmacy. The BPMP was developed in response to these challenges, aiming to provide a holistic treatment alternative that reduces the side effects and dependencies associated with traditional medication.

What Does Blood Pressure Management Program (BPMP) Entail?

The BPMP combines Ayurvedic practices with modern medicine. It includes three key therapeutic steps:

  1. Snehana: Massage or external oleation with 2% Rose Infused Sesame oil, focusing on centripetal upper strokes towards the heart, lasting 30-35 minutes.

  2. Swedana: Passive heat therapy using Dashmoola (a group of ten herbal roots) with steam at temperatures ≤ 40 degrees Celsius, followed by 3-4 minutes of relaxation, lasting 10-15 minutes.

  3. Shirodhara: Decoction dripping therapy using 100 ml of Luke-warm Nardostachys jatamansi decoction, from a height of 7-8 cm, for 30 minutes.

On the first and last days of the BPMP, patients' blood pressure was measured according to JNC VIII guidelines. Three readings were taken a few minutes apart, and the average was used for analysis. BMI was calculated on day 1 and day 90 using the formula: weight in kilograms/(height in meters)^2. The dependency on standard medication was also assessed at these time points.

Study Overview

Our study focused on elderly male patients with a history of hypertension, evaluating the impact of BPMP on blood pressure levels, BMI, and medication dependency.

Results and Their Significance

The outcomes of the BPMP were significant, with marked decreases in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, reduction in BMI, and a noticeable reduction in the reliance on conventional hypertension medications.

Discussion and Implications

These findings highlight the potential of combining traditional and modern medical practices to create effective, patient-centric treatment plans, particularly in reducing medication dependency, a critical aspect for the elderly.

Challenges and Future Directions

While the results are promising, our study had limitations, including its focus on a specific demographic. Future research should include a more diverse group of patients and possibly extend the program's duration to assess long-term effects.


The Blood Pressure Management Program (BPMP) study represents a significant advancement in hypertension care for the elderly, advocating for a more holistic and patient-friendly approach and paving the way for further exploration in medical care.

Research Article : 



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