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Showing posts from July, 2024

Should You Undergo Angioplasty for Heart Blockages? My Insights from the COURAGE Trial

Should You Undergo Angioplasty for Heart Blockages? My Insights from the COURAGE Trial Hello, I’m Dr. Rohit Madhav Sane, and I am the founder of the Madhavbaug Ayurvedic Cardiac Rehabilitation Centers. Today, I’d like to address a crucial question for those who have undergone angiography and been diagnosed with heart blockages. After such a diagnosis, there’s often intense pressure to immediately decide whether to go through with angioplasty, a decision that can be both daunting and confusing. It’s a question many patients ask: Should I undergo angioplasty or stick with medication? The answer isn’t as straightforward as it might seem, and it’s important to understand the findings of a major study, the COURAGE trial, to make an informed decision. The Pressure to Choose Angioplasty The moment blockages appear on an angiogram, patients and families face immense pressure. They fear that without angioplasty, the patient is at immediate risk of heart attack or even death. This fear-based dec...

Is Calcium in Heart Blockages a Risk? Understanding Calcium Build-up and How to Reverse It

Is Calcium in Heart Blockages a Risk? Understanding Calcium Build-up and How to Reverse It When patients undergo an angiography and see calcium in their heart blockages, fear often sets in. Questions arise: "Is this calcium in my blockage making things worse? Can this calcium be removed from my arteries?" Let's break it down simply and answer these questions to clear the confusion about calcium in heart blockages and whether it can be reversed. What Is Calcium in a Heart Blockage? To understand calcium in a heart blockage, we need to first understand how blockages form. Our blood vessels have an inner lining, called the endothelium, that acts as a barrier to protect the arteries. However, over time, due to factors like stress, unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise, damage can occur to this protective layer. When the endothelium is damaged, fat and other substances such as cholesterol begin to accumulate inside the artery walls, forming what we know as blockages. Initially,...

Top Heart-Healthy Vegetables You Should Include in Your Diet

Top Heart-Healthy Vegetables You Should Include in Your Diet Many people believe that eating more vegetables can help prevent diseases – and they’re absolutely right! Vegetables offer natural protection against a wide range of health issues, from diabetes and blood pressure to heart disease and even cancer. Including the right vegetables in your diet can not only help prevent these conditions but may even support recovery. In this article, we’ll explore the top vegetables that can contribute to a healthier heart. Based on Ayurvedic wisdom dating back thousands of years, these heart-friendly vegetables have been shown to support heart health and improve overall wellness. Let’s dive into the benefits of each one. 1. Pointed Gourd (Parwal/Patol) Pointed gourd, also known as Patol in Sanskrit, is a powerhouse for heart health. Ayurveda has long recognized its benefits, suggesting it is especially helpful in maintaining a strong heart. Parwal also supports digestion, boosts the body's ...